Cornick Help Center

    How To Reset IP Cameras

    July 27th, 2024

    Turret Cameras

    Reset Button under Flap

    AI turret cameras, or turret cameras built post 2021 usually have their reset button located under a flap next to the MicroSD card slot. Press and hold the reset button for 30 seconds while the camera is powered on to reset the camera.

    Reset Button on Mainboard

    Cameras built pre-2021 require the camera to be opened to expose the mainboard.

    Once opened, the button will on the edge of the mainboard (see left image), press and hold this button for 30 seconds while the camera is powered on. In some cases you may need to undo two screws holding the mainboard in place, as the the button may be on the underside or on the second board.
    When no button can be found, the reset may be performed by shorting two copper pads (see right image) for 30 seconds using a paperclip while the camera is powered on.

    Turret Camera reset locations for specific models

    You will need to undo some screws to lift up the mainboard to access this reset button.
    You will have to undo 2x screws on the metal plate in order to lift up the mainboard to find this reset.


    Vandal Dome Cameras

    To access the reset button on large vandal dome cameras, you will need to first remove the vandal dome (see left image) by removing 3 screws. 
    The most common style of reset button will be the one in the middle image. Press and hold it for 30 seconds while the camera is powered on to reset it.
    If there is no button, there may be copper pads you can short out for 30 seconds to reset the camera (right side of right image). There may also be four silver pads located where the reset button would usually be (left side of right image) you can short out two of vertically or diagonally for 30 seconds to reset the camera. Do not attempt to short any other part of the camera as you may cause irreversible damage.

    Large Vandal Dome Cameras

    To access the reset button on large vandal dome cameras, you will need to first remove the vandal dome (see left image) by removing 3 screws. 
    The reset button will then be located toward the edge of the housing, recessed into the plastic (see right image). Press and hold the button for 30 seconds to reset the camera.

    Vandal Dome Camera reset locations for specific models

    Short out the two silver pins (E.g. by using a paperclip) for 30 seconds while the camera is powered on.
    OR short out the two copper coloured holes (Right side of image)
    Press and hold the button for 30 seconds OR if no button exists, short out 2 silver pins diagonally with wire for 30 seconds
    (Mainboard may be black instead of green)

    Bullet Cameras

    Most Bullet Cameras will have a flap that will reveal the MicroSD card slot and reset button. Press and hold the button for 30 seconds to reset the camera. Some cameras will not have a reset button, instead they will have two copper pads (see right image) which you can short out with a paperclip for 30 seconds to reset the camera.

    Bullet cameras without a flap

    For cameras without a reset flap you will need to remove the front of the camera (e.g by unscrewing it for cylindrical cameras) to access the reset button. Some cameras will have a physical button to press and hold for 30 seconds to reset it. Other cameras (see right image) will have copper pads to short out for 30 seconds to reset the camera.

    Bullet Camera reset locations for specific models

    Short out two of the copper pads (E.g by using a paperclip) for 30 seconds while the camera is powered on.
    Short out two of the copper pads (E.g by using a paperclip) for 30 seconds while the camera is powered on.
    Short out two of the silver pins (E.g by using a paperclip) for 30 seconds while the camera is powered on.

    PTZ Cameras

    PTZ Camera reset locations for specific models

    You will have to undo 4 screws on the back to get access.
    Remove the outer shell and round lens cover (4 x Phillips screws)
    Press & hold button for 30 seconds.
    There will be two screws on opposite sides that you will need to remove to take the plastic housing off.

    Then Press & hold the golden button for 30 seconds to reset the camera.


    Fisheye Cameras

    To reset a fisheye camera, you will need to undo three screws on the base of the camera to expose the mainboard.
    Once the Mainboard is exposed, press and hold the reset button for 30 seconds to reset the camera.

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